Motor Vehicle Accident

WV Semi-Truck Lawyers

Semi-trucks and large commercial trucks are some of the most dangerous vehicles on our roads. Approximately one out of ten automobile crashes involve tractor-trailers or semi-trucks. Because of their size, these accidents are often deadly or result in serious injuries. Attorney Ben Salango and Salango Law, PLLC are experienced in handling cases against trucking...
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How can a West Virginia Car Accident Attorney Help with your Case?

If you were seriously injured, or if a loved one died in an auto accident, the last thing you want to worry about is fighting with the insurance company over fault and resolution.  Insurance companies try to take advantage of car accident victims and push low-ball settlement offers. The offers are generally less than...
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Salango Law, PLLC recognized by Best Lawyers in America.

Congratulations to Ben Salango for being recognized by his peers as one of the “Best Lawyers in America” for the tenth consecutive year in medical malpractice and personal injury litigation. Also, congratulations to Kristy Salango Smith and Patrick Salango for being recognized by Best Lawyers as “Ones to Watch.” Recognition by Best Lawyers is...
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Do I need to hire an accident lawyer?

There are over 5 million automobile accidents in the United States each year, many of them fatal. In some instances, you won't need to hire an accident lawyer.  However, if you have been injured you should contact an accident lawyer. When you are involved in a car accident, you are suddenly thrown into a...
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