Personal Injury

Why Is Maternal Mortality So High In The United States?

Given the advances in medicine, few mothers should die in childbirth. Unfortunately, the United States is experiencing a maternal mortality crisis, which isn’t showing signs of slowing down. If your loved one died while pregnant due to complications, then you might have a medical malpractice claim. Childbirth should be a happy time. Unfortunately, medical...
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Trucker Fatigue And Fatal Collisions

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is primarily responsible for regulating the trucking industry. Created in 2000, this agency has struggled to combat trucker fatigue. The sad reality is that many truck drivers are on the road for far too long. They face pressure from their employers to get goods to their destination...
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What Evidence Is Helpful In A Fatal Car Accident?

West Virginia sadly sees its fair share of fatal car accidents. These accidents are devastating for family members left behind, who often don’t know what to do. Although the police might investigate whether a crime was committed, they might not share any information. Many grieving family members have questions that no one can answer....
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Problems With Anesthesia In Surgery

Anesthesia has made modern surgery bearable. Once upon a time, patients drank alcohol or consumed opium to blunt the pain of having their bodies cut open. Thanks to the miracle of modern anesthesia, however, patients today fall asleep and wake up once the surgery is over. If all goes well, patients should feel like...
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